The fees listed below are to give you an idea of what's being charged. To get an accurate quote, please send me an email with a copy of the documents needing notarized so they can be reviewed.
All mobile notary sessions include 30 minutes of signing time at your location. Additional time will be billed at $15 per 10 minutes.
Fee is charged per notarial act
Covers any location within Clackamas County during normal business hours
Distance billed to the customer's location only, in addition to the base travel fee. Distance calculated from Oregon City.
Covers any location within Clackamas County after business hours or on holidays and weekends
Distance billed to the customer's location only, in addition to the after hours base travel fee, after business hours or on holidays and weekends. Distance calculated from Oregon City.
All mobile notary sessions include 30 minutes of signing time at your location. Additional time will be billed at $15 per 10 minutes.
Unlimited acts for the first signer
Charged on all RON sessions to cover ID processing and Knowledge Based Authentication to verify signers identity
Any additional signers added to the session
Witness provided by the online platform if needed
Extra fees to be charged on an as needed basis
If your documents do not have the required language, a state approved notarial certificate will be provided
Per page
Per mile
Valid Identification Documents are required to positively identify each client or witness. Acceptable ID documents include: any DMV issued ID card or driver license, US passport or passport card, officially recognized passport of a foreign country, US military ID, Tribal ID card, government documents containing the person's photograph and signature, corrections ID.